Posted by: Lisa Hill | June 22, 2014

2014 Indigenous Literature Week at ANZ LitLovers

ILW 2014


  1. […] literature in Australia have offered a copy of  Heat and Light, by Ellen van Neerven to support Indigenous Literature Week 2014 here at ANZ LitLovers.  The reason this is so special is that the book is not actually scheduled […]


  2. […] day of NAIDOC Week 2014, which will run through to July 13. In honour of this, and of Lisa’s Indigenous Literature Week at ANZLitLovers, I thought I’d devote this week’s Monday Musings to indigenous […]


  3. […] a case of third time lucky, because this was the third year I planned to read it for ANZLitLovers Indigenous Literature Week. Like the proverbial boomerang, it kept coming back, saying “pick me!” Finally, I […]


  4. […] The answers are fascinating. Most, as you would expect, recommend books that would help all Australians learn and understand more about indigenous culture and history, and the books they recommend are mostly by indigenous Australians. But, the interesting thing is that there’s a lot less duplication than I expected. I like this. It suggests the existence of an active indigenous literary culture. No simple, easily defined canon here! It provides a great list for us all to go to – both now, and when we are planning for ANZLitLovers’ 2015 Indigenous Literature Week. […]


  5. […] literature in Australia have offered a copy of  Heat and Light, by Ellen van Neerven to support Indigenous Literature Week 2014 here at ANZ LitLovers.  The reason this is so special is that the book is not actually scheduled […]

