Posted by: Lisa Hill | August 23, 2011

Book Giveaway: When We Have Wings (2011) by Claire Corbett

When We Have Wings

Oh yes, it’s all happening here at ANZ LitLovers – I have another book giveaway thanks to those lovely people at Allen and Unwin!

The book is When We Have Wings by debut author Claire Corbett.

Be in it to win it: Australian and New Zealand readers please indicate your interest below in the Comments box below and I’ll select a winner using a random generator late next week i.e. during the first week in September 2011.

All entries from Australia or New Zealand will be eligible but it is a condition of entry that if you are the winner, you must contact me with a postal address by the deadline that will be specified in the blog post that announces the winner.

Here’s the blurb for When We Have Wings, from the Allen and Unwin website:

In a world divided into fliers and non-fliers, how far would you go to be able to fly? How much would you sacrifice – perhaps your own child? A beautifully written and compellingly original novel of sacrifice, betrayal and love.


‘This book is intoxicating; it made me imagine things I never imagined before. The world of flying is so complete, so detailed and real, it was as if I was flying, as if I could feel my wings. This is an addictive mystery, clever and compelling.’ Jane Campion, director of The Piano and Bright Star
Flight – you’ll dream about it.
‘She had never seen the sky in all her life before. How high could she fly? What was the limit? She was already so high the earth was no longer real. Only her in the sky. Every spiral pure joy. This was Flight. It was for this she’d risked and endured so much. It had to be worth it.’
The dream of being able to fly is now physical reality but only the rich and powerful can afford the surgery, drugs, and gene manipulation to become fliers. Peri, a poor girl from the regions, will sacrifice anything to get her wings and join this elite but the price is higher than she could have imagined. So why then does she throw it all away?
Feel the exhilaration and terror of flight – over vertiginous skyscrapers, into wild storms and across hypnotic wilderness – in this beautiful and daringly imaginative novel that explores the limits of self-transformation.
‘A brilliantly conceived vision, bold in its execution and utterly convincing in its detail. When We Have Wings is that rare thing, a compelling read that is both emotionally and intellectually satisfying.’ Amanda Lohrey

Claire Corbett was born in Canada and has worked in film and government policy. She has had essays and stories broadcast on Radio National and published in a range of publications, including Rolling Stone, Cinema Papers, Picador New Writing and The Sydney Morning Herald. She was a finalist in The Independent Young Writer of the Year awards 1991, completed the MA Writing at UTS in 1997 and a Varuna Mentorship in 2000. When We Have Wings is her first novel. Claire currently lives with her husband, son and daughter in the Blue Mountains.

The Fringe Magazine called it ‘a brilliant piece of writing’; Mummazappa at The Book Nerd Club was interested in the controversial issues it tackles such as the ethics behind genetically modifying humans or surrogacy;  and Karen Brooks thought it was ‘one of the most original and thought-provoking books she’d read in a long time’.

You can buy When We Have Wings  from Fishpond, from Allen and Unwin online and most major book stores.


  1. Hi Lisa

    IT sounds great so am going to put my name in the draw. Always wanted to fly! Well done you/your blog for having all these great giveaways!!

    Regards Chris


  2. […] In the interest of updating my blog, I’m posting here my review previously published at ANZ LitLovers. […]


  3. Count me in Lisa.
    I have just been reading a review in ABR. Jay Daniel Thompson writes that the flying sequences have “a vivid, dreamlike intensity” so I’m keen to read ‘When we have Wings’.


  4. *Throws hat in the ring* This sounds great.


  5. I am throwing my name into the mix as well Lisa. Thank you for the opportunity.


  6. it sounds great I would love a copy! Thanks for the opportunity xxxx


  7. sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon read


  8. I’d love to win this one Lisa – all the reviews sound fantastic.



  9. Would love to be in the draw.


  10. Definitely sounds interesting, I’m in!


  11. All the reviews are positive and would love to be included in the draw.
    Thanks for a chance to read this novel :)


  12. It sounds marvellously original, Lisa. Not easy these days, so I would love to read this.


  13. Love to be included in the draw….. who hasn’t dreamed of flying. Looking forward to enjoying a new author for me


  14. I would sign up, but I ordered it three days ago. Damn! But I’ve read wonderful things about it …


  15. Wow, lovely to see the interest in this book – and Karen, I’ll be looking out for that review in the ABR as soon as it arrives! (I think i’ts probably waiting for me in the PO box).
    BTW don’t forget that the draw for Foal’s Bread is still open as well, and I have 6 copies to give away so sign up for that one too if you haven’t already. (see


  16. Exciting, a friend of mine recommended this book to me just last week. Cheers


  17. Yes please Lisa :)


  18. This book sounds great and I’d love to read it, after reading the description, so I’ll try and win a copy. Thanks this is great initiative.


  19. Oh I’m very wanty of this book. Would love to win it. Cheers :)


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