Posted by: Lisa Hill | March 27, 2020

Aurealis Awards | Australia’s premier speculative fiction awards

You can find reviews of The Trespassers, The Glad Shout and Daughter of Bad Times on my blog:)

Tasmanian Bibliophile @Large

Australia’s premier speculative fiction awards

Source: Aurealis Awards | Australia’s premier speculative fiction awards

Scrolling down to the BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL section, I can recommend those in bold. I need to read the others.

The Subjects, Sarah Hopkins (Text Publishing)

Aurora Rising, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff (Allen & Unwin) 

The Trespassers, Meg Mundell (UQP)

The Year of the Fruit Cake, Gillian Polack (IFWG Publishing Australia)

The Glad Shout, Alice Robinson (Affirm Press)

Daughter of Bad Times, Rohan Wilson (Allen & Unwin

Congratulations to the nominees!

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  1. I knew the ‘Aurora Rising’ title looked familiar. I bought it for teenage granddaughter after a young woman standing nearby (remember when that was a thing) in a bookshop heard me and Milly talking and recommended it. I’m not sure that tagd liked it (I’m not sure that she read it) I must recover it one day and read it for myself.

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