Posted by: Lisa Hill | August 23, 2016

2016 Readings Prize shortlist

I have been down with an awful chest infection which came with a bonus blinding headache for the past four days so this is going to be brief.

This is the shortlist for the 2016 Readings Prize (links are to Readings Bookshop):

Portable Curiosities by Julie Koh

The High Places by Fiona McFarlane

Music and Freedom by Zoë Morrison (see my review)

Wood Green by Sean Rabin  (see my review)

Ruins by Rajith Savanadasa (see my review)

Salt Creek by Lucy Treloar (see my review)

To read more about the prize, the books and the authors, visit the Readings Blog.

I’m going back to bed…



  1. You are amazing Lisa to care enough to furnish this – an author’s best friend who goes above and beyond. Please take care and get well soon:)


  2. All the very best – get better soon!


  3. Hope you get better soon. BTW I have just started listening to Salt Creek on audio – I can already tell I’m in for a treat.


  4. Get better soon 😀


  5. Hope you feel better soon lisa


  6. Hope you get better soon.

    We know when we’re really ill, don’t we?—when we don’t feel like reading.


  7. poor you, it sounds a miserable experience.


  8. Thank you all for your good wishes (I didn’t mean to sound quite so sorry for myself!).
    You are right Jonathan, not reading anything at all for three days is really quite strange…


  9. Hope you get well soon. xx


  10. Oh poor you Lisa. It’s one thing to have a chest infection, but headaches can be so debilitating. Hope you are up and at ’em again soon.

    Must say I haven’t read any of these books, but really should, for a sort read, Salt Creek.


  11. […] is the debut novel of Melbourne author Zoë Morrison, and it’s been shortlisted for the Readings Prize.  It tackles the grim subject of domestic violence, but is surprisingly […]


  12. […] There were some fine books on the shortlist, you can read more about them and find links to my reviews here. […]


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